Saturday 2 February 2013

Learning to compromise ;)

The week before last we went to Inflatable world with Nix & her handsome crew & while the big boys ran around entertaining themselves (& that includes Mac too, cause he totally thought he was part of the big boy crew)....Nikau & Spence stayed close to their mummies xx

Spence cleaned off all his food (as usual!) & then went at Aunty Nix's oranges.... & when he was still hungry after that, I bought him a packet of chips. Nikau was away playing when I brought them back so Spence was sitting there holding the packet, happy as larry just eating away....but then Neeks came back, saw the chips, jumped up beside him & took them for himself lol :)

Spence's expression changed straight away & you could sense a potential bust up coming on, so it was a little tense for a few seconds there until a compromise was reached :) :) Talk about cute! 
Check out the pics..... 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Renee, that is just so cute. Flip that little Nikau is one smart fulla, he is 5 steps ahead of everyone all the time! You are ready with your camera all the time aye, this is a magic succession of the moment. Yummy little buddies! xxx
