Wednesday 31 July 2013

Niwa & Terina's Dance Party :) :)

I'm totally falling behind on everything that's been happening lately so I'm gonna have to try & do some serious catch up over the next couple of days!!

Two weeks ago we had an awesome night at Niwa & Terina's cool as dance party :) Terina turned 8 on the 14th & Niwa 5 on the 17th, so Bex & Keithy boy decided that those two really special birthdays needed some serious celebrating!! 

It was such a cool night! The kids loved getting their groove on & us adults loved catching up on the sidelines :) Kylee Horsford made her little cuzzies the coolest cakes ever!!! Check out the pics below....

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Aeroview Ward Dance :)

Two weeks ago we had our Aeroview Ward Dance hosted by the Primary. The theme they'd chosen was "We are the World, we are the Children" so everyone was invited to dress up in International costume. Spence got to wear the Japanese costume Mac wore to kindy just over a year ago, which as you can probably tell he was just a little bit chuffed about!!! :)

Mac in the same costume for kindy (June 2012)

Mac on the other hand, was not quite so excited about his get up for the night so it was pretty hard to get a good pic of him in amongst all the sulking :( :( .....he said his mo itched so he wanted to take it off, but we tried to tell him that an amigo just isn't an amigo without his moustachio lol (plus I'd paid $10 for the hat so he had to at least get me SOME money's worth!!!)

I think I got maybe 5 cents worth out of the hat cause this is what he looked like about 5 minutes after we arrived....I tried to tell him there was going to be a prize for the best costume but he just wouldn't listen!!.... 

He was totally bummed when his brother's name got called out for "Best Primary costume" though :)
   It was super cute to see this little monkey toddle up to get his prize :)

A king size chocolate bar all for himself!!

Pretty proud of that fact lol 

 Twinnies - Aunty B & Shylah

The hilarious EQ skit - Stan was the hands behind James in the blue

It really was such a fun night! We'd only been planning to stay to watch the Polkadots, but once they were done the boys still didn't wanna leave, so we ended up finally pulling them away around 10pm. It was such a great activity! Hope they do it again next year!!

Friday 19 July 2013

Petey Pete's last supper :(

So last Wednesday, the day that we'd been dreading finally rolled around & after a fun filled year together, we gathered at Ensign Place to farewell our much loved brother from another mother :(

It's been so cool having Petey Pete here for the last year & being able to properly get to know him. We've had sooooo many cool times together as a family & as sad as we were to have to send him off, our hearts are totally full of heaps of fun memories that thankfully we get to keep forever :) 

We love you no number Pete & look forward to being able to hang out with you again.....hopefully in the not too distant future!! 

This is the slideshow of some of the cool times Petey Pete had over the last year in NZ...everytime I hear this song at the gym now I'm sad & happy all at the same time cause it makes me think of "No worries" Pete :) I wonder if he's joined up at a gym back home yet??!!

Thursday 18 July 2013

KiwiYo with my Beehives :)

Last Tuesday night I took my Beehives down to KiwiYo for our first class activity. The girls were all super excited about our outing & I'd told them on Sunday that they could have $5 each from the budget, but if they thought they'd want to spend more, then to bring some extra cash :)

They took what seemed like forever choosing their yoghurts & toppings & when they were finally finished we put all 10 yoghurts on the scales to pay. The total came to $64 so I opened my wallet to pull out my eftpos card & much to my dismay, it wasn't there!!! :( :(

I remembered that Spence had been playing with my wallet while I'd been making dinner the night before & had misplaced my eftpos card but as I didn't have time to look for it, I'd just told myself that I HAD to come back & look for it after dinner before I got stuck without it somewhere!! 

Anyways at that moment I felt totally sick & started to panic, so I looked for any notes & coins to see if I could pay for it in cash, but there was only $25 in my wallet, so nowhere near enough!!! At this stage I had to ask the girls to pull out all the extra money they'd brought & put it on the counter & by the time we'd counted it all up I realised the total price was now $49.50.....

I wasn't sure what had happened but it was a total blessing because with all our cash combined we paid our $50 & were still able to get a bit of change :) :) :) 

As we were sitting eating our yoghurts Milika told me that while I was trying to russle up the money, one of the shop assistants had said to the other to give us a discount - which is how the price had gone from $64 down to $49.50.....& sure enough when I looked at my receipt later on, it confirmed the generous 20% discount we'd been given :) :) 

Oh & the crazy thing was that my card was actually right there in my wallet all along!!! Just after we'd paid for the yoghurts I went through my wallet looking for it again & it turns out Spence had just moved it into another spot. Arggghhh!!!

Such a cool experience though as it reminded me how much Heavenly Father loves those special Beehives & how he even knows & cares about our little ol' frozen yoghurt night :)

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Our fun trip to Sky City

A few weeks ago Aunty Natty surprised us with a belated birthday pressie of tickets to Fortuna & the Sky Tower!!! Of course Spence didn't know where we were heading off to when we left the house that morning, but this was his face not long after we arrived lol :) ....An all you can eat buffet & then a trip up the Sky Tower to run around in circles is his dream outing, so needless to say he had an absolute blast!! 

It was Petey Pete's 2nd to last day so it was cool to have one last special outing with both him & B :)

Mac was really excited to have his friend Jackson come along for the day too!
Jackson was so well behaved that we were wondering if his parents would ever consider doing a switch lol ;)

The cheddar ball :)

Waiting for the elevator to go back down (way past Spency's naptime)
5 seconds after we drove away 

Thanks so much for our fun day Aunty Natty!!! You're naughty for spoiling us the way you do, but we had such a cool time!! xxx