Saturday 6 July 2013

Tauranga trip

Last Saturday we had a flying visit with the fams down to Tauranga & back:) 

Dad was super excited to take us to ?????, the Chinese buffet he loves, the name of which has totally escaped me right now (so weird considering the number of times he's told us about how good it is over the years!!)

He was right too. It was pretty good which I was super stoked about, cause I was expecting it to be a little too scary for me but it was fine so I'd definitely go back next time :)

Then it was off to Memorial Park to visit Humpty (Mum's local from when she was a kid & where we have photos with Humpty Dumpty from when we were little)

None of us were sure if Humpty would still be there cause alot of the playground has changed, but it turns out he WAS there, only he had been demoted lol....

He used to sit on a pretty high wall, but as you can see now he's barely off the ground!! He's also rather cracked & peeling too.... Still looks pretty flexible but - at least some things haven't changed :)

 Someone's been eating too many pies ;) & someone not enough!!

These guys have their sliding technique down...

This guy not so much!

Mac's pics....

After we left Grandad's cemetery we went to visit Aunty Jane & Uncle John, but the boys only lasted inside for about 5 minutes before I had to take them out which was a bummer cause the last time we saw them was 2 years ago at B & Pete's wedding.....I'm glad everyone else got to have a good catch up though & that they were even at home cause that was the main reason for the trip!!

This little guy wasn't feeling well that day all blocked up with a cold, so this is how he looked 5 seconds after we got back in the car to head home.

Was such a cool day with the fam as usual, but so good to get home & get the rippers in bed!!!

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