Sunday 7 July 2013

Seffy turns 1!!!

On Thursday the 4th of July, this gorgeous little Independence Day baby went & turned 1 :) 

Now I don't know where that last year disappeared to, or how it went so fast, but boy were we super excited for his party!!

Aunty Mell made the deck look so cool with all her red, white & blue decorations & we had our favourite fish & chips, followed by Seffy's birthday cupcakes & some YUM AS nut, caramel, & Reeses homemade icecreams Mell had found the recipe for on pinterest. They were soooooo good, we all LOVED them. That's definitely a pin I'm gonna have to add to my party board too!

It was such a cool night & it was so special to watch the slideshow Mell had put together of the year's worth of Seffy's pics. 

You're growing up way too quickly baby boy, but that's o.k cause you're STILL the most well deserved baby ever! Don't change a thing my love cause Mum & Dad are soooooo blessed to have a baby like you & we all love to have you around cause you're so smiley & cuddly & you never complain!!
Hope you have a happy year my gorgeous boy! 
Aunty Nae loves you xxxx

Mell wanted people to take their shoes off so Pete put his on the table :( Gross Pete, how rude!! lol...
(For some reason Ella put them there!?haha)

p.s We were going between cameras all night, so Mell has more on her one that I'll link this too once she's posted them

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