Saturday 24 August 2013

Photography course

Yesterday I got to do something that I've been wanting to do for a long time now & that was go on my first photography course. Yay!!!

It was only a 5 hour course from 10-3 down at the Viaduct, but I finally learnt how to use my camera in manual mode so now I've just gotta practice the things that I learnt to try & get better. Wish I still had B & Petey Pete here to use as models - they were always up for getting their photos taken! I tried to take some pics of the boys as soon as I got home yesterday afternoon, but they were over it in 5 seconds :(

Monday 19 August 2013

An assortment of goodies...

So last week Spence was sick which meant we had a lot of home time & at the beginning of the week I was thinking oh man this is gonna drag!! :( ....but then I got my spring clean on & it ended up being a really super productive, enjoyable week :)

I finally tackled the boys wardrobes which have been annoying me for awhile, so as I pulled everything out, Spence had a blast playing with it all before it either went back in neatly or got chucked. 

I'm definitely all for throwing things out but there were some things that I just had to get pics of before I did....(+ a few other pics that were on my camera)
These are the 'sock cupcakes' I've been making as part of the YW's birthday treats this year. I'll have to take a pic of the rest of the package next time I make one. The sock cupcake is to remind them of the theme for this year to 'Stand in Holy Places'

Was so good to throw out my GHD that I've had since just after we got married - totally got my money's worth out of that one!! Even kept using it while sparks were coming out of it which probably wasn't too smart, but finally stopped when it poofed & left black soot all over my hand in the spot where I was holding it!

My 1st birthday card to Mac

The cute little book thingy Linda made for us after Mac was born

Wish I could have a cuddle of that tiny little baby Mac again :)

Mac's 2 yr old handprints 

Spence's 1st pair of shoes (that he got some good use out of obviously!)

One of my birthdays 

My hubby's impressive abs  (before we got married lol)

Some of the hearts from Stan's Valentines Box - so many things to love about my man xx

Mail from Aunty B!!! :) :)

The mother's day gift B helped Mac make me for Mother's Day one year. So sweet!

The poem Mumma wrote all about how much she loves her family. I totally agree with her that our family is SO SPECIAL & I can't wait till we're all together again someday :) So thankful to know that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER xxx

The magazine picture of wedding dress I got mine made from. Man I was soooo in love with this dress at the time! Not so much now haha

This was the other one that I really liked back in the day

And the magazine covers of the mags they came from. I've kept them for nearly 9 years thinking that my daughter might wanna have a look at wedding fashions from back in my day when she's planning her own wedding.....but I don't have a daughter & they were taking up room so they didn't make the cut

Oh & on a not so happy note, Stacey's fabric softener treatment just doesn't seem to be holding so every time she gets moved around her hairs kinda ending up like this again :(

So I decided to do this.....not as great I know, but it was raining & pretty humid the day I took the pic above (my hair was looking exactly the same lol) so maybe I can try try taking out the plait when the weather fines up again, I dunno??

Friday 16 August 2013

Last Saturday

I was so glad last Saturday finally arrived cause I'd been hanging out to see my BFF, Clarey baby up on stage (plus I felt bad for her having to have bland as food for so long so I was excited for her to be able to eat something yummy again!!)

Anyways she looked totally awesome & did such a great job of all her posing & stuff. I was so super proud of her!!! Isn't she beautiful!!

Her & Nana :)

 These two have the sweetest relationship & are so super cute together!

Three generations :)

 Hating the double breasted here Mell!!

Check out that rockin' bikini bod!

Then after Clarey's comp we had the coolest EQ activity at the chapel. The guys decided to invite their families this time too so we all headed along for a potluck dinner & games night. 

Stan had organized the evening but Colin Broederlow had handmade all the games & they were awesome!! What a talented guy! Definitely an activity that all of us want to do again sometime soon :)

Chinese checkers was definitely my fave. Sarah, Betty & I had a fun game first & then decided to pull our spouses in where things got a whole lot more serious! 

Such a fun weekend!! Hope this one can match it :)