Saturday 10 August 2013

My child

You know that sister that I posted about missing so badly a few days ago???....well let's just say that we haven't always acted like the besties we are today & this little fact was probably never quite so painfully obvious as the time she cut my beautiful "My child's" long & silky locks :(

'My child' was a very prized possession of mine so what B did was pretty much equivalent to her just sticking her hand through my chest & ripping my heart out :( lol, jokes I least it doesn't feel like that now....but who knows, it probably did feel that bad back in the day!!

Anyways, every day has been a bad hair day ever since for 'My child', cause Rochelle cutting it made it turn into a big knotted mess :( See Exhibit A below.....(she also recently got brown eye shadow smeared all over her face by one of the boys - hence the reason she's got a pretty dirty face in this pic...)

Anyways we've had Toy Story 3 on repeat a few times a day at our house over the last couple of weeks & that got me thinking about 'My Child' (I can't remember what I called her back in the day, hence the reason I keep referring to her as 'My Child' in this post.... I'm pretty sure it would've been something like Stacey or Claudia though (Babysitter's Club names) so I think I'll just refer to her as Stacey from here on out...) ....that got me thinking about Stacey & how gutted she must be if she does get up & move around when we're out & about or once we go to bed at night..... & how stink it must've been for her in all those years that've passed since B wreaked her hair :(

So I decided that it was long overdue that I got onto trying to bring her hair back to it's former glory using the fabric softener technique that I'd pinned on Pinterest awhile back (see below)....

So last Saturday morning when Stan & Spence left for the gym & creche, Mac & I set to work :) We filled a bowl full of water, mixed in some fabric softener & poured some on bit by bit while trying to brush it through.

Some of the knots were pretty massive, so she lost quite a few clumps of hair along the way :( Then she had to sit in the hot water cupboard overnight....

And the next day her beautiful, platinum locks were shining like new :)

She also had her face all scrubbed as clean as we could get it.....

So when she reported back to her other toys the next time we left the room, I'd say she'd be telling them she was over the moon!! 

I love you Stacey!! p.s Don't forget to stay away from Ah B lol :)


  1. Hahahahahahaha. Well I didn't like the post at first but it turnd out so happy! Imagine waiting that long for your hair to be fixed. She wouldn't have been able to get a boyfriend that whole time. Well she looks beautiful now. And her hairs still pretty long, lucky I gave it a trim ;)

  2. oh my goodness, this is hilarious, and gorgeous. Made me lol so hard!!!

  3. just showed Joe and he said she looks like Chantelle from his primary school. And it looks like Spency's got a cutesy little girlfriend!

  4. Hahahaha Nasal, me and Mell just had another convo and laugh bout this!!!! She actually looks like she's smiling more when her hairs been done!!

    1. haha, she's totally smiling more!! I'm sure she's got a boyfriend now that her life's come off hold. Bet she's feeling like a million bucks!!
