Saturday 8 March 2014

Our new YW's blog

So alot of the reason why I haven't been posting much on my blog lately is because we now have a new Aeroview YWs blog that I'm in charge of sorting out each week. One of the ideas the girls had for this year was to put together some sort of yearbook at the end, so it was my genius idea to just start up a blog so that when the end of the year rolls around all we need to do is print out our blog :)

So now I'm in charge of making sure we get pics each activity & then loading them up every week & it's looking cool!! Such an awesome thing to have to look back on all the fun we've had so far this year - & we're only just 3 months in!! Can't wait for more fun times to come!!

You can check out the blog here....

And while we're talking about YW's, check out the cool birthday gift we're giving our girls for their birthday's this year :) I was scouting around Pinterest for AGES trying to find something cool & wasn't having much luck until I found these two printables on Etsy. Aren't they just the coolest!! Just feel sorry for the girls who have till the end of the year to get theirs!! 

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