Wednesday 19 March 2014

Our awesome trip to Oz

It felt like we had to wait ages for our Aussie trip to arrive & now all the excitement's come & gone :( Thank goodness we still have the memories of the awesome time we had though!! Hope it's not too long before we get to go back again!! Here are some of our pics....

Maccy Mac pulling his usual poses at the airport at 5:30 in the morning. He wasn't too sure why he was woken up so early or where we were going, but this pic was just after he found out we were off to see Aunty B!! Woohoo!! 

I wanted to get a selfie of the two of us but for some reason he hates selfies & wanted to take a close up of just me instead!

On the plane, ready for take off!

He obliged just this once...

His pic out the window

The flight over wasn't as peaceful as I thought it would be cause he was still pretty restless even though he had his ipad & all :( At one stage the guy in front of him turned around & asked if he could stop kicking his chair. Good job haha!

Airport pic with Aunty B :) :)

A few minutes later lol...we arrived on the Goldie at about 7:45am, but the 4:15 start caught up with him!

After a quick stop at Uncle Aaron's work, it was off to Seaworld :)

The kids part seemed sooooo cool to him the last time we were there (a few weeks before he turned 2 - with Aunty Mell & Faith), but it just seemed lame this time round. He just wanted the rollercoasters!

Too bad he's still too short for them though, so the best he could do was the log flume which he loved!

The jetski show was right up his alley too...

Remember these photos me & you have in this pozy (how do you spell that?!) from our trip Mell ?! (watching the sea lion show)

Just had to go & download them, so here they are....

I've never thought of myself as a fishy person, but it's looks so cool under the sea from down in the aquarium :)

Token photo under the seaworld sign

Had to have a photo with these cool dinosaurs out in the seaworld parking lot too - not sure what they were there for?

The next day Aunty B had to work so Mac & I caught the bus down to the hyperdome...

And had sushi for lunch. Man Australia's big sushi rolls are so much better than our ones!

Oh & this is the bag that Mac had chosen for Seaworld the day before that me or B ended up having to carry round alot haha. I tried to change his mind about it in the beginning, but I've actually grown pretty fond of or new little pet lol

The cuzzies & Levi having a race that afternoon :)

Some pics of the happy Stoners :) Can't pick which one's the best, so I've put them all up for ya B x

Then on Saturday we were lucky enough to witness the good ol' race off - minus about 4 of the other competitors. Don't actually think it's a race off between Azza & Pete, more like just trying to beat their own times 

The good looking Stoners again...

Some cute little fishies xoxo

Uncle Aaron wasn't impressed at the way Mac took off his shoes & emptied all his sand on the front doorstep (I was just glad he didn't do it inside!)

Token pics outside Movie World...

The stunt show was probably even more up Mac's alley than the jet ski one!

After Movie World, it was off to Wet'n'wild for the afternoon & then out to Hogs Breath for dins. Such a cool 
Saturday!! :)

 On Sunday morning we got to sleep in & hang around home & then in the afternoon we went down to Azza's ward. We got to see Benny serving the sacrament for his very first time, which was awesome :)

This guy went off to Primary with Aunty Cassie after that & then when he came outside after church, this is what he looked like lol. His tie was too long so we'd tucked the long part down his pants, but he'd obviously gone to the toilet during primary & not known that he needed to tuck the long part back in (or not cared! One of the two haha)

Me & my cheeseball xoxo

Then it was back to Azza's for dinner...

Rochelle thought you'd appreciate this pic Dad...I know Aaron doesn't lol

These two lovebirds were trying to be cheesier than B & Pete haha. Aaron was determined to prove that they could be just as gouda :)

On Monday we got to go see Nansy at dialysis & the nurse guy asked me if I could help stop the bleeding when they took the needle out at the end. I was all good at first....

but then I started feeling really queasy being able feeling the massive pulse in her arm, so lucky B was there to take over before I either spewed or passed out - or both!! 

Was so good to see Nanny-go-anny again after so long!

Mac found his real Mum in the mall that afternoon lol :)

And then just by pure chance we ran into Lucas getting pizza for dinner. How perfectly timed was that!!

On our last proper day we went to Ikea for brekky - well not really for brekky, but it didn't open till 10, so we ended up getting sucked into their brekky (which wasn't great by the way) & then we just had a little walk through...

That afternoon we went back to Wet'n'wild so Mac could have one last fix, & then it was time to pick up Petey Pete & head down to Azza's for the night. 

Mac was really heartbroken to have to say bye to Aunty B :( It's so hard to watch his goodbyes these days cause they remind me of back when I was a kid & saying goodbye was the worst, most saddest, upsetting thing ever!! Thank goodness we get to see B & Pete again in May, so not too, too far away!

This guy out to it on my knee when we landed back in Auckland :)

Thanks for such a cool time B & Pete! We had the BEST week with you guys & are so grateful for the time we got to spend with you both :) Love you no number & see you again soon!! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. oh man, so many comments. Love the cheeseballs couples shots. The shows at the parks look great. Can't wait to show the girls all of these pics
