Tuesday 1 April 2014

My big boy's turning 6 tomorrow!!!

Feeling a little bit sad tonight cause my precious little Maccy that used to look like this....

is turning the big 6 tomorrow....& when I look at that picture above I just don't know where the years have gone!!! Wish I could just reach into it right now & have a cuddle of the little Mac he used to be :( Wasn't he just the cutest!!!

I'm so eternally grateful that I get to be his Mummy <3 He drives me around the bend & back each & every single day, but I love that boy of mine to pieces & I wouldn't trade him for the world!! 

This afternoon we went to the supermarket together so he could pick a special birthday lunch for tomorrow & on the way there he was all anxious saying "Man I just don't know what I'm gonna get when I turn 16, a car or a motorbike??!" I just don't know which one to get?? What do you think Mum? What would you choose? lol" 

In my mind I was just cracking up thinking "oh Mac you're too cute! You have no concept of time or how far away your 16th birthday is. You really don't need to stress about this now, cause you've got ages to decide - and the answer will most definitely be a car - a motorbike is not even an option!" ....but then at the same time I had to remind myself that 6 has come around quick enough & I really need to make a conscious effort to make the most of every day, cause otherwise 16 will be here before we know it :( 

So for now my gorgeous almost 6 year old, let me tell you 6 of the reasons why we adore you....

1. You have the most beautiful smile
2. You always want to be the best at anything you do
3. You're always up for any activity with the family (& we hope you'll always stay that way & never get too cool to hang out with us!)
4. You're full of fun & larger than life
5. You're the best sleeper!
6. You give the best cuddles & kisses xoxo

Happy birthday for tomorrow precious boy! We can't wait to have a super fun day with you xxx

1 comment:

  1. oh man, where has the time gone alright! Love the photo collage...you sure do have a winning smile Macca. Can't wait to partay with you real soon. Love you soooooo much, AM, UJ, Pod, Ella & Seffy xoxo
