Tuesday 16 September 2014

Clare & Will's wedding

11 years ago when I met pretty young Clare Downey in New Caledonia (she was 19 years old at the time & I was 22!), I had no idea that we would become the best of friends & that all these years later I would have the honour of being her bridesmaid..... but last weekend, on Saturday the 13th of September 2014, that's exactly what happened!!! 

Last week was so full of fun getting ready for the momentous occasion & then on Saturday we spent the whole day at her lovely mum, Chrissy's house, before heading off to the Wharf where they were having their wedding & reception. Here are some of the pics....

On Thursday last week we went & got nails done out at Albany mall & then had mexican for lunch (no pics of that day sorry)....but then Friday was spray tans at Soph's house & then brunch at the Collins out in Greenhithe. I hit the jackpot with my order of french toast encrusted with cornflakes & macadamia nuts cause it was so, so good!!!! Just looking at this pic now makes me drool lol...

Then that night it was back to the Collins for a drink & a bite to eat to catch up & meet the groomsmen before the big day!!

As we were leaving, Christy commented on how great Clare's shoes looked & as Clarey was giving her a close up she realized she had on two different shoes lol! As Clarey then explained how so not focused she'd been getting ready, some patrons at a nearby table who'd overheard the whole kerfuffle, informed us that it was in fact "odd shoes day" for kids cancer lol. Man what a coincidence was that??!! 

The next morning Christy picked me up just after 9am & we headed over to Clarey's mum's house. This was Clare's get up while the whole beautifying process was going on...so cute! x

Me after my hair & makeup had been done....actually I think this was before lipstick

The weather was on & off all day but just as the wedding cars pulled up outside to take us off to the venue, the sun fully came out of hiding & shone the whole way there xoxo

The cars that took us to the venue were Rolls Royces, but then after the ceremony we had a Hummerzine take us for photos under the bridge. "We're so fancy!!"...... 

Can't wait to see the professional pics of these two lovebirds!...

The amazing venue - this pic was taken from the table where the bridal party were sitting - so we were across a big divide from the guests, kinda like on a stage! (but not)... Such a cool set up! 

You can just see a little bit of the amazing chandelier at the top of the pic here...& that pretty little tree on the table in the middle of the pic was made by Clare's mum, Chrissy :)

Me & my hot date x

Fun in the photobooth with my beautiful Clarey. She was the most stunning bride!! She totally looked like she'd just jumped straight out of a magazine x

A few more pics at home, just before a shower & then bed! What an awesome day :D :D :D 
So cool to see my bestie married to the man of her dreams....& now they're sunning it up in tropical Hawaii, lucky things!! Wonder if they'll run into G??!! xoxo

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