Tuesday 30 September 2014

Jordy Pie's 5th birthday party at Rainbow's End

Last Thursday our precious little bubba Jordy turned 5 years old!!! Not such a bubba anymore! It feels like he literally went from 0-5 in the blink of an eye & now he'll be a big school boy as soon as the holidays are over :D 
But on Friday everyone got the last day of term off for his partay!!.....

Love this handsome big boy xxx Such a cool dude!

Spence with his party food :) ....in heaven!

Jordy Pie with his cuzzy Mason

Some of the adult's party food - before a truckload of KFC arrived!

Jordy's cool Ninja cake!!!

Jordy trying to cut off his Lego man's head!!!

Spence spent half his day on the carwash....

And the other half on the aeroplanes. I think the people operating those rides were probably thinking can this kid's mum come & get him off already??!! As soon as the ride was over & the worker would go & let all the kids off, he would just say "again" & they'd leave him on haha. He may not be a daredevil, but he knows what he loves & when he loves something he loves it hard out lol. He disappeared as we were getting ready to leave & when I found him he was out at the aeroplane ride - he'd given the operator his bag to look after & told me that he just thought he should have one more turn haha

Such a super fun day!! We loved celebrating your birthday with you Jordy Pie & can't wait to see pics of you all handsome in your school uniform in a couple of weeks time :) xx

1 comment:

  1. Cool cuzzy day alright. so bummed I couldn't be there for a sissy day too. Pency's party food was like his lolly allowance from 0-5 years all done in one meal!!!!! Love he got to go hard on his fav rides. Can just imagine Seth chillin' with him on the carwash. Next time!
