Thursday 30 October 2014

Jordy Pie & Kyky come to play :)

So Monday this week was Labour Day & since Aunty Natty had a full day of sorting & packing ahead of her, we were lucky enough to have Jordy & Kyky come to play :)

The picture below is the new definition of play in 2014 - so very different to my definition of play back in 1986 lol....

They did actually alternate between being glued to their screens like this & outside on the bikes so it wasn't like this all day long thank goodness! (the other kid in this picture is Ava, our next door neighbour who heard all the fun going on & wanted to join in)

Love this cutey face x

These two did stickers & chatted away together for at least half an hour :)

Mac got all sulky & pretended to go to sleep at one stage lol

The view we saw every 5 mins throughout the day haha....
crack up ;)

Watching Megamind (Jordy's request)

Kyky getting all cozy on the couch x

Uncle Stanie made them yummy homemade burgers for dinner but Jordy wanted peanut butter & jam in his bun & Kyky only wanted a pattie & cheese so they were easy as dinner guests!

We loved spending the day with our cool cuzzies :) Hope we get to visit them in Oz for another play day sometime soon x

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