Tuesday 7 October 2014

Hamilton catchup with the Chch Ormsbys

Yesterday we spent the coolest day down in Hamilton with the Chch Ormsbys, Grandie & the Heke's. It was so much fun!!! We only get to see AJ, Jaus, Steph & the kids about once every 6 months these days, so when we do it totally feels like Christmas :)

And to make the day that much better, we even got a bit of sunshine!! Yay!! AJ, Jaus & I got to do the 1:30pm temple session & then when we came out we were greeted with all these gorgeous smiling faces having loads of cuzzie fun down on the grass.....

And then there were 4 or 5 of them chilling with Grandie in his car lol :)

I don't know about everyone else but I couldn't get enough of all these adorable faces!!! xxx

Then it was off to the cemetery for our usual fish 'n' chip dinner...

I was trying to get a nice pic of these two besties, but the wind didn't want to cooperate :( 
Aren't they just so pretty anyways x

Really yummy fish 'n' chips again - too bad they forgot parts of everyone's orders!!

Spence, Mac & Jaydon were all peeing around the tree here, 
which the girls were obviously quite taken with haha

Her nickname from Grandie is "the terrorist", but isn't this just the face of an angel!! 
Love this girl xx 

....And this one!! Miss Sarah gives the BEST cuddles ever!

This little critter was super stoked with himself when he scored a peanut slab that'd fallen out of his mummy's 
pocket haha....but then not so much when she took it back off him ;(

Grandie giving a sacrament talk to kids that have the attention span of a flea haha

Listening intently to what Grandie has to say xx

Pod daydreaming away - love the cuteness of this pic!

It definitely needed a close-up :)

Love my little Spider more than words! x

Singing Grandie's request of Popcorn popping...

"A popcorn ball that would smell so sweet" haha

This photo would have to be one of those epic pinterest fails....but I'm sure you get the idea 
- so cool to have all the cuzzies in it anyways :) 

This one was slightly better :)

Little blonde & blue-eyed Jaus xx

Jaydon the joker :)

Saying goodbye to Grandma Julie, until next time x

Me & gorgeous Sarah x

It was so much fun catching up with these guys & always so exciting to see the kiddies & how much they've changed & grown. We love you no number Chch Ormsbys & are already hanging out for our next catch up in about 6 months time! xx

1 comment:

  1. Awesome day alright. Loved every minute of it....actually the drive home was a bit of a drag. Wish they lived closer!!!!!!!
