Thursday 16 October 2014

Photo shoot with my new photography stand :)

The other night on trade me I bought a new photography stand that came with a white & a black backdrop, so when it arrived this morning I was super excited to try it out! I asked Spence if he could be my model when we got home from the gym & he agreed, but when he actually found out what model meant he changed his mind, so I got to take photos of these guys instead haha....

Until he changed his mind & decided to jump in on the act :)

On the trade me listing they said you'd have to iron the backdrops before you use them cause of the creases from being folded for delivery, but since I was only trying them out this arvo & then gonna fold them back up again, I couldn't be bothered.....but now looking at these photos I totally wish I had so I'll have to be less lazy next time! Anyways I think the stand is gonna be cool to have for different times & seasons throughout the year. I'll definitely be on the hunt for a cool Halloween backdrop over the next couple of weeks :)

The white backdrop was definitely my fave out of the two....the black one shows up the creases even worse sorry - & even needed something behind it to block out the light that's still coming through

 Then we moved onto one of the boys bed sheets lol.....was a fun afternoon, but I don't think the boys are gonna wanna do it all the time, so Nat & Mell you needa send your kids round so I can try it again with some ironed backdrops sometime soon ok :)


  1. oh man, soooo good. Your boys (all 3 of them!) are so photogenic!. What did someone say to spency before the photo on the bike? You can never play with Ava again? What did you tell him to do for the bottom one? Looks like he was really getting into his groove of posing!

  2. And that's an awesome idea with the sheets hanging in the background, you could build up lots of different ones over time and then if you do kid photos for people they'd be able to choose
