Friday 2 January 2015

Christmas Day 2014

Christmas Day 2014 was so highly anticipated by both of the boys this year which made it super exciting for us too :) There's nothing better than the anticipation of kids on Christmas Eve & then their excitement when they see all their pressies have arrived on Christmas morning!! Don't know how many years we'll be able to keep both the boys believing, so I love soaking in the magic of it all while we have's Mac's traditional pic with Santa's goodies...

I love looking at this pic to see how much he's grown, so here were the previous two years....



Love these two little bros - they were the best of buddies on Christmas eve & Christmas morning, getting things ready the night before & then opening pressies together. There's something so tangible about the Christmas spirit xxx

I woke first @ 6am & then had to wait a whole hour before Mac finally surfaced...

Then he had to push & prod Spence quite a few times to get him to stir. This is the pic I got of his face as soon as he did haha, sleepyhead!!

.....Less than a minute later though & his face had turned into this :D :D :D

Yay!!! Santa got him the train set he had asked for! (It didn't turn out to be great quality though so I hid it back in the cupboard after Christmas & returned it to keep an eye out for a better quality one. Thank goodness he forgot about it again as soon as it was out of sight)

This whoopie cushion was Spence's pick for Mac which he absolutely loved lol

The boys got the Old & New Testament & Doctrine & Covenants readers (we've only had the Book of Mormon one up until now)

Airphones for their ipads in the car - don't know why we didn't get these sooner!!

The beetle game for Spence...& Mac got guess who, which is pretty different to our old school one growing up which I'm pretty bummed about. The new one is nowhere near as good! Oh & I also got Mac & Pod a set of knucklebones that I haven't had a chance to sit down & teach him yet

It was sooooooo cool to just be able to sit down & relax & play with new toys after opening the pressies this year & then after that we headed off to Mell & Jo's for our 1:30pm lunch start....

Token pic of Jo doing the BBQ....right after Stan had finished BBQing (I think they'd both done parts of it so it was really a joint effort!)

This year we were lucky enough to have my friend Loretta & her two boys Michael & Kevin join us :) We also had Gloria's sister Jeanette, so it was really fun to have them all with us too. 

Kevin & Mac

The meat - yum!

The salads...

Chicken, stuffing, potatoes & garlic bread

Spency & Ella all ready to eat!

Dilly in her heavy duty full cover bib

Then after eating it was onto the water fights!!!

Haha to the little green knob growing out of Dilly's head :p So annoying when that happens in a photo!

Troublemaker x

All the excitement was just too much for this little miss who dropped out for a good 2 hour nap

The AMAZING christmas tree cupcakes Loretta made for the kiddies!

....And her delicious festive carrot cake. It was soooo good!

Mell's yummy peppermint icecream cheesecake

Michael ready for dessert - he knows just how good his Mum's baking is lol

The driveway crew chilling & eating their nerds

Stanie & Jo bro

Seffy after he'd sorted his own makeup :) (from Ella's new Christmas set)

The godfather lol

The rose between two thorns...or is it the thorn between two roses haha ;) Hard to say...

Always good fun to have Jeanette's company!

My lovely friend Loretta & I :)

...And her with her gorgeous boys

Loved being able to have a nice relaxed day, so this is definitely the way it has to stay from now on! So grateful for the family & friends we got to share it with this year & for all that we've been blessed with in 2014. We truly have been given much for which I'm super thankful for x 

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