Tuesday 21 April 2015

Some cool pyjamas & old school books

This is a bit of a hodge podge post, but I've just downloaded these pics off my camera & they need to be recorded somewhere for memory's sake, so here we go....

Man I love these little brothers <3 I treated them to a new pair of jammies over the holidays & they were both so excited about them that they wore them whenever we were at home - day or night! Unfortunately the crotch ripped in both of them in only a couple of days though so Aunty Mel had the genius idea of taking them back cause of their crap quality. Shame though cause they looked so super adorable in them :(

There was also some MAJOR decluttering that happened during the 1st week of the holidays to take advantage of the massive bin Grandie had over at his place while doing his very last clear out/move EVER over at Ensign :( 

I tried to persuade the boys that it was time for the Sesame Street books to go as they never get picked for the bedtime stories (+ they smell all musty from all their years in the cupboards etc! Actually the puzzle in the pic above has the same problem too! So cool having things from my childhood, but wish they could smell a bit better lol)...but the boys wouldn't have it!!! Man I wish I'd managed to get a photo of Mac's face on camera cause to say he was distraught is an understatement. It was like I was suggesting throwing him in the bin or something, that's how personal he took it! 

So anyways, those books not surprisingly got picked as the night time read for the next couple of nights after their existence was threatened....but once they're forgotten again they may just magically disappear one day if you know what I mean ;)

The wuzzle book did get thrown but I had to take a photo of it first just to make sure I'll always have a record of it :)

And this one had a ripped cover & everything, but I had a quick flick through it as I was going to throw it in the rubbish bag & decided I just couldn't do it! It reminded me of a bunny picture Mum drew on a Mrs Bunny letter she wrote me back in the day & I decided I just needed to keep it a little longer xx

These ones I pulled out of a box Dad was throwing out down in the garage & I had to bring them home to show Mac just how hard out I used to be at school lol....full on title page for each new subject & hand-drawn borders on every page...don't think I'll ever find this much detail in my boys books, but wonder if any of my nieces will ever get into this?? (Ella ;)??)

Love taking walks down memory lane :) So grateful for the awesome family I was born into & for all the cool things we had & did that I now get to share with my very own special crew x


  1. WOW, those books are jaw dropping hardout!!!! Yeah I've got a few things I can't part with....the little book that we used to trace pictures out of...remember that? Don't even know what the story was about, just know we used to trace pics from it.Will take a photo.
    Haha, sesame street lives to see another day!

    1. Ooh nah I don't remember that one we used to trace pics out of off the top of my head. Yea, take a pic x

    2. I know that one!!! Haha yea post a pic is though

  2. Adorable alright!!! Love those two 😍
