Thursday 16 April 2015

Easter 2015

 So the start of the school holidays this year was also Easter weekend so on Good Friday we got up nice & early to be the first ones at the easter show :) (We were going with Grandie, Aunty Mell & Pod so we had to get there Grandie time lol... I actually shouldn't hassle that fact cause the easter show is one place it really is best to go before every man & his dog show up so it was actually heaps better & so easy to get a park)

Farmer Spence (not that Spence could ever be a farmer cause he's still so scared of being up close & personal with the animals!)

Farmer Grandie ;)

Cheddar block haha

Dad in his probably most loved ever piece of clothing (actually as I type that I notice those shorts are pretty well loved too lol...he has quite a few items of clothing that have really gone the distance...)

Or haven't I said should say haha. 
5 seconds after this photo got taken his beloved (Wrigley's??) 
jacket finally got binned!!! Talk about end of an era!

Then on Saturday night we were lucky enough to have Pod & Aunty Mel come for a special sleepover - be warned though that when Aunty Mel says she's coming for a sleepover, she literally does just mean sleep over....we went to put the kids to bed that night, the boys in their room & Pod in my room where her & Mel were going to be sleeping, & I went to have a shower while Mel was putting Pod to bed, thinking she'd come out again once they'd finished reading scriptures, but once I'd finished my shower & waited on the couch for her to come out again so we could maybe choose a movie, she never reemerged lol!!?? 

I asked her in the morning if she'd just accidentally fallen asleep, but it wasn't even an accident - she said she just didn't realise there was anything else happening haha. I'll know to be specific & not just assume things with my sleepy dog sissy next time ;)

Then in the morning I got a text from Aunty Jose saying the easter bunny had left some clues outside for an easter egg hunt for the boys so these guys were out the door in a flash!

And more than just a little excited with what they found! Thanks so much Aunty Jose! You're the best x

I mean what's not to love about chocolate for brekky right?!!

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