Monday 6 April 2015

Feb & March 2015

Here are a few pics from Feb & March that I'm a little behind on posting....

....Wish I could go back to this day right now! This pic was taken on my 34th birthday & our 10th wedding anniversary up at Bastion Point where we got married on the 19/02/05. The day & the weather was just as perfect as it had been 10 years earlier <3 Love my bestie x

Trying to get a half decent family pic on the 26/02/15. Wish we'd tried harder now!

Mac's letter from the tooth fairy after he lost his first tooth 
on the 11/02/15 :) He got $2.

One Tuesday night the boys & I heard balloons popping outside, so we stuck our heads out to have a look & discovered my beautiful Beehives trying to sneakily heart attack us, but not having much luck was cooler that the boys got to see them & know who it was that loved us anyway :)

They felt so super special!!!

....And were over the moon with all their choccy!

Then the very next day we got to have even more fun with Uncle Luke, Aunty Linda, Brons, Larielle & Huddy :)

The big kids (minus Joe lol)

Impossible to get them looking all at once - but cool to see them all in one group x

The big boys & their pretty little photobomber :)

Was clearing out the bookshelf & threw out all Mac's books from year 2 last year, but just had to take a few pics for him to look back on first...

Really 'farts' lol

And last, but not least, Mac got out a recipe book for his library book the week before last so I said he could choose a dessert for us to make for our Family Home Evening refreshments. He chose Blackberry & Chocolate self saucing pudding which he was just a tad excited about! Love that kid x


  1. Cool and sad to see those family pics at the top :(
    Wish we had more cuzzies living close by .....the more the merrier/crazier aye.
    That choc pud looks delish.....especially with loads of cream on top!

  2. Love those family pics on the couch! Cute beehives alright. Yum pudding! He'll have to make us one when we come
