Sunday 6 September 2015

The Stoners & Grandie's homecoming dinner

At the start of the school holidays Aunty B, Uncle Pete, Jules & Grandie all came home within a couple of days of each other. It was Julie's 1st trip on an aeroplane & her first of many trips home to NZ so we were all super excited to have her come & stay & to get our cuddle fix!! :D 

Grandie had also been gone for ages on his 2 month trip to Hawaii & the States so we were grateful to have him back safely & to hear all about his travels too.

Nothing beats family get togethers with a yummy spread on the Heke deck!

Dells was a little bit jealous that her Mum had replaced her with another baby lol

These guys with some of their treats from Grandie

B's face in this one.....priceless lol

Julie Scrumptious with her Grandie x

Let's get a close up of that moosh!! 

Cuzzies in the bath - the Leone's get a little bit excited about bath time seeing as it doesn't come around very often!!

Hanging out to see the Stoners when they come again at Christmas!!! Not long to go now, yay!!


  1. Yea we can't wait either! And this time we won't have to be so rugged up coz it'll be beautiful summer weather yay!!!

  2. seems like this was so long ago. That lil puddly is so kissable.
    Need to renovate our bathroom!!!!!
