Monday 7 September 2015

Faithy babe's 7th birthday!!!

So almost 2 weeks ago now it was this pretty little girly's birthday so we headed over to Robertson Rd for her birthday request dinner of KFC & chips!! Yum yum!

Isn't she growing into the most beautiful princess! Hard to believe that she'll be getting baptised this time next year :D

Love all the special cuzzy time these kiddies get to have! Hope they always stay this crazy & close x

Was trying to get a pic here of how Ella just lugs Dells around like a sack of potatoes lol. 
She's such a good big sissy!

The big kids always head straight into the office for the computer these days!!

Happy birthday Faithy babe. We love you to infinity & beyond!! x

1 comment:

  1. oh I forgot about my lightbox. Need another occasion to get it out. Bring on Baptism birthdays!
