Saturday 24 October 2015

Visiting Julie Scrumptious - February 2015

This post is a tad bit late seeing as the laptop went MIA just after I downloaded these pics in February after my trip to meet Baby Julie :D :D 
But even though it's 8 months later, since we finally have the laptop back I want these pics documented so my precious little girl will know what a cool time she/we had when Aunty Nae first came to stay! It was only for 3 or 4 days, but since it was just me, I got to have hours of special cuddles...Can't believe how much she's changed since then though!!!! 

German chocolate cake for Petey Pete's 27th birthday :)

Think B must've taken this photo? Otherwise I'm not quite sure why I took a photo of Pete getting all the onions ready for his birthday BBQ haha

Pretty Mama x


So glad I got to fit this trip in just before Stan had to go away again! Julie Scrumptious is not even 1 yet & I've already seen her 3 times - & only 8 weeks to go till that number changes to 4!! Woohoo! Family time is the best x

1 comment:

  1. so cool to see all of these pics. So many goodies. Lil Julie has grown soooo much!
