Saturday, 7 October 2017

April pics

Here are a few random pics off my phone from way back around April....

Every now & then (always when Dad's away!) I have a turn at doing the boy's haircuts :) I don't know why I even bother though cause it's always the BIGGEST drama as you can see below....this was trying to get a pic of the little dog that Spence had brought home from school & had a get a photo of & write a story with - man I hate it when that book comes home haha

One afternoon when I was silly enough to let the boys bring 
a friend home each :p

Mac's birthday message on the mirror

Love those afternoons where they conk out after school (as long as it's not for too long that it screws up bedtime!)

This guy with no gel in his hair

My tyre the day I was reversing out the driveway to work & Ella our old neighbour backed into us!

More afternoon conk outs - I don't know why we had so many that month?!

Spence eating "cookies" (falafels). He'd never really liked them before then, but when he came into the kitchen that afternoon & thought I was making cookies he wanted heaps of them & has loved them ever since. Yusss!

Spence's 1st class pic. I was too cheap to pay for an actual copy so tried to take a quick pic of the one in the classroom but the teacher was there so I felt a bit embarrassed. Oh well at least Spence will still have a very blurry idea of who was in his class in 10 years time haha

Celebration afternoon tea for a certificate or award in assembly. 
I can't remember what it was for though cause it was too long ago now!! 

Doing the Takapuna Beach Easter Egg hunt where you had to run around Taka getting different things signed off

With their little treaty bags at the end of the hunt

I bought some aniseed wheels at the old lolly shop for my treat & 
the boys wanted to try them out

Picnic at the Auckland domain (on our old family picnic blanket which is 
way too small for a family of 8 haha)

Mac with the new scooter he ordered online with all his birthday money 
(turned out to be the best investment EVER with all the use he's got out of it!)

Mac's blurry class photo (I think he was away the day it was taken so don't bother looking for him lol)

Just a regular thing on this kid's legs!

April school holidays at Albany skate park

Sunday arvo walks at Taka beach xxx

School holiday trip to the museum

Sleepover with Miss Ella Bella trying out a fishtail braid

Skate park with Indi

Heading home with the sweatiest kid ever

Mac on his 1st & 2nd to last day of the medication we trialled him on. It turned him into a zombie 
who dragged himself around the ground all day so needless to say we didn't pursue that one any further

And that's a wrap for April! :)


  1. Oh man those boys are so handsome! Mac is definitely looking older and taller. You and aniseed wheels!! Haha

    1. Haha, we just got our 2nd lot of aniseed wheels today! We were down in Taka at the beach park & Mac asked if we could go get some so I guess like mother, like son lol

  2. yeah, aniseed wheels...yuck! Funny about the class photos. I haven't bought them for the last couple of years either. Felafel cookies...yum! I was gonna take pics of the picnic blankets while we've got Dad's car cause my goodness, they've stood the test of time

    1. Haha, we just got our 2nd lot of aniseed wheels today! We were down in Taka at the beach park & Mac asked if we could go get some so I guess like mother, like son lol
