Tuesday 7 February 2012

Fun with Dad & the toy/book shelf

Yesterday morning was Mac's first day at morning kindy so we got up bright & early to make sure he was there on time for an 8:30am start!! (Pretty super early when we don't usually make it out the door before 11am....) He was super chuffed to go & be reunited with his good friend Astin who moved up a few weeks ago though so that was cool :)

Super chuffed Mac on his way to morning kindy. Yay!!!

So Spence & I dropped him off & then headed home to meet Grandie who was coming over to help me make the new toy/book shelf I'd been thinking about for the past month. We needed something in Spence's room to store all the toys & to give us a bit more space in the cupboards so I thought a shelf that could store the big toys & books would be the best idea.

Anyways, I just happened to see one on special last week so quickly went to get it, but the only problem was that it said "Assembly required" lol....whenever I buy something that says that on it what I actually read it as is "Dad required" because most of the time I can't do the assembling without him!! So I called Dad up to ask for YET ANOTHER favour & he came round with his trusty bag of tools to help out, as he always does!! (Thanks Dad, I love you xxx)

He did such an awesome job as usual - here are the pics of what he made... it turned out exactly how I hoped it would :)

The guy at the store said it was really easy to put together but there was a heap of screws & other pieces - this photo was taken after we'd already used some of them...

Kel the handy man  
This guy wasn't much help!!

The finished product!! So cool :) Thanks Grandie xoxo

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