Thursday 16 February 2012

Spency's 1st solids :)

So this afternoon Spency's routine got all out of wack as he wanted to go to sleep but was too hot being wrapped. This caused a bit of a dilemma however, as he still hasn't managed to go off to sleep without his wrap yet, so the result was that we ended up flagging the sleep & he got his way & was lifted out of bed!

Anyways it wasn't so bad as Mac & I were just pottering around so we didn't mind :) After about an hour though he was ready to go to bed again but it was still too soon to give him another feed so.....I wasn't planning on starting him on solids yet but I knew that when he went to sleep again that'd probably be it for the night & I just wanted his tummy to be a little bit fuller so I made up a tablespoon of Farex Pear & Banana rice cereal just to see how he'd go :) I have to say my mother's intuition was that he wouldn't be quite ready yet (he was 5 months yesterday) & that we'd have to wait a few more weeks, but I wanted to try it anyway.....

Pretty excited to be about to try this food thing!!!

Yay! I'm about to join the big kids club :)

Boy was I wrong!!! He was in there like a bull at a gate! He was so desperado to get it into his mouth that he was almost wolfing down the spoon & all lol...Man it made me feel like such a bad Mum!! He hasn't seemed like he's been more hungry than what he's been getting... but then from the way he was chowing it down, it looked like he hadn't been fed in weeks!!! He just couldn't get enough!

He finished the first lot I made up & then sat there sucking the life out of the bits that were left on his fingers while I made up another tablespoons worth - & then he inhaled that whole bowl too!!

Mac was so excited that Spence had just had his first try of proper food that he wanted to have his picture taken with him - it kinda just looks like Spency is wondering what Mac might taste like though lol............... Hope this appetite isn't a sign of things to come because otherwise this boy's gonna be eating me out of house and home!

"I wonder what he tastes like??" lol

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