Wednesday 29 February 2012

My big boy :)

Today I had a really good day with my big boy Mac. Most days have elements of good parts in them, but I also feel like a bit of a broken record at the end of the day with him at the age he is at the moment because I feel like I have to repeat myself overoverover again!!! I usually have to say to him at least half a dozen times to hurry up & eat his breakfast, & then maybe a dozen times to come into the bathroom so I can brush his teeth & wash his face & to get him into the car takes another five minutes & so the day goes on....
So today was a really good day because I felt like I didn't have to hit the replay button as much as usual & it was great!!

Here are some recent pics of my precious little monkey...

Cutest missionary I ever did see xoxo

His new telly watching perch while Spence is having his afternoon nap

Snapped!! I caught him putting makeup removal pads under his shirt (that Aunty Jose & Uncle Mattsy brought him back from their honeymoon in Fiji).... If you're a Mum you'll understand what he was pretending they were (just a little confused!!) 

One of Mac's favourite dinners - & one of mine too because it's so quick & easy (p.s I can hear you cracking up Mell & Nat thinking which one of your meals isn't quick & easy lol!! Too true)

Signature Mac facial if things aren't going his way (feel like I see this expression way more than I'd like to!! It's got a really irritating whine that goes along with it as well lol. When I used to whinge my Mum always used to prophesy that I'd get a whiny kid of my own one day so that I'd know what it feels like & sure enough Mac is it!)

I love you to bits my precious! Life wouldn't be the same without you xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics Macky Wacky. Just be careful on the telly perch cause I imagine you could get a little sleepy in the afternoon and that spot doesn't lend itself to a safe nap!!!!
