Monday 6 February 2012

Pete's Birthday Celebrations!!!

So yesterday was Pete's 23rd birthday (Actually I'm not 100% sure on that?? Either his 23rd or 24th), but anyways we all wanted to do something special to celebrate, so we decided to meet at Mission Bay in the afternoon so the kids could play & then we could all have dinner together (at a classy fish & chip/Chinese takeaways - only the best for you Pete!!) Oh & for dessert Mell made a slice with Pete's favourite kind of icing sugar icing, & forgot to bring it haha....(p.s Nat was so desperate she drove home to Mell's afterwards to get some!!) (p.p.s I was a little bit tempted to as well but that would've been TOTALLY desperate since we don't live close by anymore, so Mac & I just got a soft serve on the way home instead)

There was a Waitangi day celebration thing on at Okahu Bay with heaps of bouncy castles for the kids so we stopped there first to let them bounce out some of their energy before we headed down to the beach to eat our dinner.

You had to go through the tounge of this crocodile to get inside - it looked kinda gross!! Don't think it was designed by a woman??!!

The kids didn't eat much cause they were too busy playing & had a ball down on the rocks, running away from the waves, playing on the playground, but most of all playing with the water fountain by the toilets!!!



Such a cute pic of my special little Ella rascal :)


 Mac the Monkey - he climbed right up to the top before I'd even realised!! I didn't know he was so good at these kind of things now.
My little baby's turning into a big boy too fast :(

Signature Pod lol :)
 Grandie would've been dying if he'd been there for sure - well actually let's face it, they wouldn't have been allowed to do it if he was there lol.....but since he wasn't, they went hard :) Here's the it even pains you to see the photos of it Grandie!!

Stopping to chomp back the cold, wet half a hot dog she'd been carrying around haha, who does that???!!!!

What Pod had to go home in

The streaker trying to gap it lol....

Ahhh, another fun day. Hope your birthday across the ditch was celebrated as cool as it was here Pete!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness. So many comments I could write about these. Had a great time and love my family so much. Was a cool afternoon out with my sissys and our babies (missing Beezus of course). Now I can show Joe what we got up to. I tried to explain how wet and sandy the girls got but I don't think he really understood
