Wednesday 21 March 2012

6 months

We've made it to the 6 month mark already!!! In some ways it seems like that time has just flown by, but in other ways, it's hard to believe that it's only been 6 months as it feels like Spence has just been around forever :)
He is still such a happy little guy. I can never get enough of that gorgeous gummy smile!!

He doesn't have any teeth yet, but you can see the white right under his gums where his bottom two teeth are going to come through so I'm thinking maybe soon?
He loves his food (which is easy to tell from his super cute chunky thighs)
He rolls onto his tummy as soon as you put him on the floor.... & then gets really frustrated if he can't reach whatever he's got his eye on!! (this rolling is getting really annoying for nappy changes!!)
If he's awake his limbs are almost always moving. This little guy has no concept of just being still - (he's SO desperate to move but I think it's still a little while away) 

He still doesn't like to sleep anywhere but his bed & will generally hold on no matter how long he's been up, until his head hits his pillow (he still gets wrapped to sleep)
He really likes toys now & puts EVERYTHING in his mouth
He still spews & drools (& creates a mountain load of washing each day!)
As soon as you sit him up from drinking, you can guarantee he'll do a burp - & it's not just any burp either, they're massive! Pretty impressive for such a little guy. They always make Mac & I laugh & Mac always says "EEeewww - say pardon me Spencer!!"
He's on his 2nd round of antibiotics for trying to clear up his snuffle :( One of his nicknames has become Snuffleupagus because his nose has been blocked for so long now -think we're finally getting there though!
He loves the jolly jumper & exersaucer but is not quite able to sit up on his own in the activity ring thingee yet so we keep him propped up with the tri pillow

We love this little guy to pieces!!! xxxx

This one's for you B & Pete - he's another worrier like Ella. His life is pretty stressful, so I don't blame him :P (This reminds me of that possum eyes pic you have of Ella, Mell lol)

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