Thursday 15 March 2012

Optimac Prime

This afternoon was Mac's kindy trikeathon which was postponed last week because of the bad weather. Needless to say, he was super excited when today finally rolled around because we'd gotten his bike all "transformed" & ready last week & then he never got to ride it :(

There wasn't really any question about what theme we were going to decorate his bike as transformers is "it" for him right now. The only real choice was whether it'd be an Optimus or a Bumblebee bike, but Optimus seems to win out 99% of the time for him so I wasn't surprised when he said it had to be Optimus - we just twisted it up a little as I thought "Optimac" sounded alot better for this occasion :)

I made sure I explained the purpose of the trikeathon to him before we left home & told him that he had to ride around as many times as possible to raise money for kindy - I wasn't really sure how much he'd get into it, but he had a ball!! It was so cool to see him having so much fun riding round with all his kindy friends. I'm pretty sure he felt pretty special having such a big support crew there cheering him on as well :) Thanks for coming Grandie, Bubu, Aunty Mell, Aunty Nat, Shylah, Pod, Ella, Jordy & Kyky!!!

What Mac got sidetracked making when he was meant to be helping decorate the bike
The bike

Waiting for the race to start 

Some of the support crew :)

Optimac & Spiderman really hit it off & spent most of the arvo riding round together :)

The support crew getting tired because Mac just kept going & going!

Mac sharing some of his iceblock with Spence :) 

Ella giving it a go - she's a pro on the scooter too. Watching those chubby little legs scooter along is one of the cutest things I've ever seen!!

What a fun afternoon!! Needless to say, I didn't have ANY problems getting Mac to sleep tonight. He just fell asleep on the couch & I lifted him into bed. Too easy!!! If only there was a trikeathon every afternoon :D 

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