Wednesday 7 March 2012


Mac's been all over Spence ever since he was born six months ago lol....but up until now Spence hasn't really reciprocated as much interest in Mac. (Not that this has deterred Mac at all!)
In Spence's 5 month post I think I said that alot of the time he just looks at Mac with a facial expression that pretty much conveys an "are you crazy??!!" kind of look haha....but this week I've really noticed that things seem to be changing. Spence has really started taking an interest in Mac & what he's doing & for some reason this week Mac has now become the funniest thing ever :)

The reason I'm posting about this is because I've been doing different things around the house at different times throughout this week & then all of a sudden from whatever room I'm in I'll hear Spencer start giggling that gorgeous little baby laugh of his. It's just the sweetest sound ever, so I sneak over to take a peek at where it's coming from & I find Mac tickling him or pulling funny faces or making silly baby sounds & Spencer just loving it! It's been such a cool Mommy moment. I love it that Mac has a little baby brother now & that he's so kind & protective of him & it's just the cutest thing ever seeing him want to make his brother smile :) On the other hand it's so special to see Spence's face light up when he spots his big brother & how excited he is when he gets Mac's full attention. I really hope they'll always be close.

Spence is usually last up in the mornings, but today he woke up before Mac & so I had him propped up on the couch watching cartoons while I went to put the washing on. Anyway, I didn't hear Mac get out of bed, but when I came back into the lounge he was all snuggled up on the couch next to Spence. I just had to take a pic....I love my two precious boys xxx

On another note, Mac & I spent the afternoon getting his bike ready for the annual kindy trikeathon tomorrow. It had to be decorated transformer styles of course so we headed off to the mall to pick up our supplies & then home to make a start. Below is a pic of what we had to work with - check back tomorrow for pics of the final product & the blog of race day....

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