Tuesday 20 January 2015

My father's dragon

Every night before bed we have our little routine of brushing teeth, saying prayers & then all jumping onto Mac's bed to read our scriptures & then a few other books before lights out (at which point they always go off to sleep to the very same youtube clip that I'll link at the end)....

But anyways, back at around the start of December, I decided it'd be cool for us to read our first chapter book together as a family, so I looked online to find suggestions of one that'd be good for the boys ages & found one called "My Father's Dragon". It had a title that I thought the boys'd probably be interested in, so I requested it at the library & once it'd arrived, we went in to pick it up :)

It took us our full 4 weeks or however long you get given the book, to get all the way through it, but we finished it just in time & I think it's pretty safe to say that all of us loved it! So much so, that we returned it back the other day & got out a new one to keep on going with.

Here's our trusty youtube clip/bedtime lullaby. They never forget to turn it on when it's time to go to bed!

And here are a couple of pics of Spence & Mac's sleeping arrangements most nights during the holidays...

Then Mac & all his pillow friends the next night haha ;) Love my crazies xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea. Wish we had a big bed to snuggle up on like that cause the bunks and cot room is super duper squishy right now. Maybe I should let them huddle around on mine before taking them into the sardine tin!
