Wednesday 21 January 2015

Summer School Swimming with Helen

Last week the boys were lucky enough to do a week of Summer School with Helen & although I was a little bit over it by the end of the week, I LOVE watching them have their swimming lessons & seeing their technique & confidence constantly improving. 

This little guy's always been super anxious of the water (& lot of other things!), so before lessons with Helen it was hard for us to even coax him in & now he loves hopping in, even if it is just to muck around on the steps. He still often tells Helen that he doesn't want to or can't do it, if she's trying to convince him to go down & get a toy off the bottom of the pool or something, but he's still soooooo much more happy & confident than he started out, so he's come a long way!

Unfortunately his listening skills are about as good as his brother's!!! They're always the one under the water when the teacher's trying to explain something :(

Spence & his little buddy Tai (my friend Jacqui's son)

Mac's come a long way too!! He's never had the same anxiety issues that Spence has had, & his technique's getting pretty good. Next term he even gets to try out the Birkenhead pool for one day a week so that'll be cool to see how he goes there, cause apparently it's 3x the length of Helen's pool!!

I always wonder if he can actually see outta those things lol

1 comment:

  1. oh man, I love these critters. So funny how kids can be so different when they've got the same Mum and Dad. I just had visions of watching my nephews at the Olympics for swimming in 10-15 years time!!!!!
