Sunday 11 October 2015

Spence's 4th birthday celebrations

So almost a month ago now, this little spider turned 4 years old!!! He was sooooo looking forward to his big day & we'd planned a pretty action packed schedule for him so we were just hoping he'd be able to hold up for it cause he was starting to get a little bit of a cold the day before. 

Anyways on that Tuesday morning he got up & ready to go to creche with his special dessert pizza....(the perfect treat for a hard out ninja turtle fan!)

Then after creche it was meant to be straight off to swimming - but since both him & Tai weren't feeling the greatest, we decided to just flag swimming & head straight back for their play at home instead. These two little besties are just the cutest & get on so well together :)

After that it was off to pick up Mac & Nikau & head to Xtreme for their after school play...Spence had started to go down hill a little bit at this stage & was getting really tired & grumpy - so this part wasn't anywhere as fun as it was meant to be with him grizzling pretty much the whole time...but it was no surprise that he was still well enough to want to go to McDonalds for dinner, so from Xtreme we headed there to top his day off with his favourite happy meal. 

Poor Neeks had to do a bit of playing on his own since Spence was too tired & whingy to really go on anything!

These two crazy cuzzies....

Getting his happy meal definitely perked the birthday boy up a little bit...

Then after that it was back home quickly to sing Happy Birthday & have a bit of Ninjago cake before everyone went home :) Phew! What a full on day - but it's not every day you turn 4 right??!!!

So here are 4 things I love about this crazy critter......

1. He gives the BEST hugs!!! Each & every single day - & often multiple times a day! He'll just come up & put his arms out & say in this little baby voice "Huggy" (the voice is kind of annoying, but the offer is totally IRRESISTABLE lol)

2. He's a real mummy's boy & loves to hang out & just be around me. If you ask him what girl he's going to marry he always says YOU! :) 
(Until I tell him he can't cause I'm already married to Dad - so then he says Ella)

3. He knows he's a Child of God & if you ask him why Jesus died on the cross he'll tell you it's "cause he loves us!". Hope he always remembers that very true & important fact x

4. He loves his big brother (even though they fight what seems like 90% of the time!) He always points out to people who don't know that "that's my brother". Love how proud he seems about that :)

On the bike he got from Aunty Jose x

These are the balloons he woke up to on his birthday morning....I didn't think it was safe decorating his bedroom as he always makes his way to my room in the middle of the night, so I set them up in the lounge instead. 

After a million photos on his birthday & then more the next day (when he was feeling even worse)....but I was still trying to get him to smile by telling him to think of icecream & other things he likes.... 

He goes "here Mum, here's my face when I think of undies....." lol

Let's get a close up of that haha!!

This was were the balloons ended up a couple of days after that party....but they were so cute that it was a little sad to have to pop them all! Spence was happy to do the honours though :)

Adore our baby boy & all the love & laughter he brings into our family! 
4 years on & he's still the worst sleeper in the world, but we love him no number & our family just wouldn't be the same without him! So blessed to call him ours xxxx


  1. Hey Spence, your gorgeous face brightened up my morning when I quickly saw these pics. Your sweetness is sooooo flippn cute. And I love how much you love your awesome Mumma.. Those ninja turtle balloons are sooo cool. I thought they were bought and now I just realised they were made. Love them (and you!) xxx

  2. Loved all of that! I have to say my fave was the undie face haha! funny kid. Love you Pence xxx
