Sunday 27 May 2012

Ella Bella turns 2!!!

Well 2 years ago today this little dynamite arrived to rock all of our worlds & things just haven't been the same since!! :) :) :)

I know at times it can be trying to be the Mum of such a strong-willed, trouble-making, independent little ball of fire, but to be her Aunty is the coolest thing EVER!! 

She is so cheeky & full of life... & she LOVES to stir things up amongst the kids - doesn't even matter if they're twice as big as she is :) 

She's a crack-up & soooo hard case. I love you my precious Ella Bella. Even just the very thought of you brings a smile to my dial :) You are without a doubt ONE OF A KIND!! 
Happy 2nd Birthday Sweetheart xxx

Here are some of the pics from her party yesterday....

The birthday girl :)

Check out Mell's basketball - gotta be a boy this time for sure!! 

Aunty Bex & Aunty Sez


Super yummy Reeses slice that Mell made

Aunty Natty gave Spence his first taste of chocolate with a chocolate finger. Good one Aunty Natty!!

Making icecream sundaes out of Aunty Mell's yummy chocolate bowls :) So good!

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