Tuesday 22 May 2012

Spence's 1st haircut

So as it was the National Conference up at the Stake centre on Sunday, the boys & I didn't go to church, but instead had a nice, cosy day just chilling out at home :)

I was so looking forward to it as we have to get up & out the door so early most other days, so it was a real treat to just be able to laze around playing cars with Mac & peekaboo with Spence, not having to worry about other places to go or people to see... Pyjama days are the best!!

Half way through the day we decided to cut Macs hair & every couple of weeks when we shave his head we discuss whether we think it's the right time to give Spence his first haircut??? Up until now we've always decided on "No" only because we know it will make Grandie upset.....& I think I've shown pretty good self restraint holding myself back every cut until now... but to be honest his hair has been killing me for the last few weeks - the way it's been growing on top, but not on the sides, so this time round I just couldn't resist!!!

Once I got the clippers out & was all ready to go however, I realised that we had a bit of a problem as there was no-one to hold him while I did it! So we set up the little bath chair thingy on some newspaper in the kitchen & I put the cape on, & he just lay back on that :) I think he was wondering what the heck was going on, but he didn't protest one little bit (such a refreshing change to the drama Mac's cuts can be!)

We kept the clippers on a No 3 hoping that Grandie wouldn't even notice such a subtle trim - & like I said, it was really only the top that was getting a bit long so nothing really came off the sides anyway.

So after a really quick, not much more than 30 second cut, this is his new look :)

P.S My hopes of Grandie not even noticing were totally in vain - the first thing he said when he got back & saw Spence was "oh no, your Mum's been at your hair while I've been gone!!"

Oh & after we'd finished the hair cuts, I finally got around to drawing Mac a beard. He's been asking for one ever since he saw the pics of the one I drew on Spence while he was at kindy a couple of weeks ago...

This is him cracking up when he saw himself in the mirror. He thought it was the coolest!! (That's the last time I'm drawing on beards with that gel eyeliner though. It is seriously hard to get off!)

1 comment:

  1. haha good one mac, i'll have a go when I come to your house. Nice haircut Spencey you are so handsome xo
