Sunday 13 May 2012

Mother's Day Jackpot

So last night we had the annual Aeroview Mother's Day Dinner put on by the Priesthood. They really do do such an amazing job & it was such a fun night out - especially considering it was my 1st night out without Spence since he arrived on the scene 8 months ago :) :) :) (Looking forward to more of those now that he's a bit older!)

Anyways, when I got home from the dinner & my mother in law was leaving she said she'd left me a little something beside my bed, so when I went into my room a little later on, I saw that she'd spoilt me with a lotto ticket for the Mother's Day draw :)

Mac's mother's day treats for Bubu (pronounced Boombu - Nana in fijian)
Now I don't usually buy my own lotto tickets so I don't really ever have to spend time dreaming about what I'd do if I won, but when I woke up this morning I glanced at it on my bedside table & thought I wonder if I won the Mother's Day jackpot, to which straight away a voice in my head replied "you sure did!"

When Heavenly Father assigned out Mums... or when I bid on my Mum or fought for her to be mine & WON - however it happened - I well & truly hit the jackpot xxx 

My Mum is everything I could've hoped for & more. She is kind & loving & selfless & patient & beautiful & funny & talented & uncoordinated lol....& she knows it too, but she dances anyway cause she doesn't care what other people think & I love that about her. I love it when she laughs so hard & tries to talk about what she's laughing about at the same time, but she's laughing so hard she can hardly breathe, let alone string a sentence together :) I love that she is so faithful & committed to her beliefs & so genuine & caring of others. 

The list goes on & on, but I'm eternally grateful for my beautiful Mommy. She is without a doubt the sweetest Spirit I know & though I don't often dream about what I'd do if I won the lotto, I often ponder on what an overwhelmingly joyous occasion it will be to be reunited with my precious Mum again. Happy Mother's Day Momma. I love you no number xxxx

I also hit the jackpot to be blessed to be the Mum of my two little Monkeys :) Being a Mum is by far the hardest AND most rewarding position I've ever held, but if it really came down to it, I wouldn't trade them in for a thing :) :) :) (I had to say if it REALLY came down to it, cause some days I sorta feel like I could & like I want to lol) Lucky they're so cute I always say....P.S I thought the song Superhuman was SUPER appropriate for Mother's Day cause I definitely think that's what Mum's are for being able to cope with childbirth & everything that follows after!!! 

1 comment:

  1. oh man, i got all excited to watch the vid but it doesn't work for me. Damn, it just says 'this is a private video'. Will have to watch it at your place. And I totally agree with your thoughts about Mum. One of a kind, and so so so missed!!!!! xoxo
