Friday 11 May 2012


So today Mac got to do something that I was totally jealous of because it's what I feel like doing most days now that it's getting so super cold in the mornings - he got to go out in his jammies & dressing gown!!!!

It's been book week at kindy this week so for the last day today they had PYJAMA DAY. I'm not actually sure why? Maybe because you usually read books in your pjs just before bedtime?? Just a guess  - but for whatever the reason I thought it was a great one! It was the cutest thing ever to drive up & see the kids all out playing in their pjs - & the teachers even wore theirs too! Mac thought it was great :)

So what did Spence & I get up to while Mac was swinging on monkey bars in his pjs??? Well check this out....

For awhile now I've been wanting to take a similar pic of Spence like this one we took of Mac when he was almost 6 months old.

It's always cracked me up so I wanted to take a similar one of Spence & put them side by side to see how alike/different they look.

Anyways I've been procrastinating it for ages so this morning I decided that today was the day! However, I didn't anticipate how difficult the task would be so it totally didn't go to plan.

For starters I didn't have a pencil eyeliner like we used for Mac so I had to use a cream one which you apply with a special little brush. Spence is two months older than Mac was when we took the photo though so every time I tried to bring the brush up near his mouth to draw the little goatee, he opened his mouth just wanting to eat it...

 But I couldn't let him of course, so that got HIM frustrated....& him opening his mouth trying to eat it kept making it smear everywhere, so that got ME in the end I just decided that the goatee was gonna have to become a beard......which I think takes the whole look from cute little russian baby (Sven) to creepy kinda looking russian fishmerman baby whose been out all week catching fish & hasn't had a shower so looks pretty smelly lol??!!! (I don't know why I think he's got a fisherman look - I think those might be penguins on his tshirt maybe that's why?? He's been catching fish to feed the penguins?? Bottom line is he looks like he needs a good clean!!)

Mac looks cute, but Spence just looks creepy lol

Poor Spence! He was so unimpressed by it all :( When we did it to Mac I remember him thinking it was the coolest thing ever, because we did it at home & then drove him over to Dads to surprise everyone over there & he got a whole lot of attention with everyone laughing & smiling at him. Of course he didn't realise people were laughing AT & not WITH him, but he loved it nonetheless....Spence on the other hand hated the whole experience, expecially when I realised that it wasn't going to come off as easy I thought it would with just a facecloth & water. Oops! Instead I had to use makeup remover & a whole lot of cotton balls. Don't think I'll be trying this look again any time soon!!!



  1. That is so so crack up Renee! The things we do aye! Well actually the things you do! I think you are the biggest kid of all LOL! Love reading your blog it is so creative and filled with amazing activities!

    Love ya BEX

  2. Poor spence. That was a bit of child cruelty right there! Nah, worth it for the priceless photo/comparison.
