Monday 30 December 2013

Christmas Day Part 1

I can still remember Christmas 2012 like it was just yesterday, so it seems a little too quick to be doing this post again??!!! (I just had a look at last year's Christmas post here to see how much the boys had grown & Mac looks like he's lost some of his preschooler chubb, but Spence has beefed up lol. Love all their different stages!)

Spence still doesn't like posing for the camera like Mac does so he didn't wanna 
be a part of this photo :(

This was the best he could offer :) His dislike of eye contact obviously extends to the camera lens haha

I chose fabric to barricade Mac's door this year which was a heaps quicker & easier option than the crepe paper from last year (& I stuck it up with drawing pins rather than the sellotape from last time that kept on falling off!)

Just before midnight with the pressies all set up & ready to go!!

Stan & I got up at around 6:30am & then when the boys still hadn't surfaced at 7, we put a Christmas medley on youtube & cranked it up as loud as it would go!

That still didn't get them up though, so we ended up calling out to Mac & getting him to help us go & wake up the sleepy bear.... 

Haha - he never sleeps this deep & the music was still going & everything!!

So Mac whispered to him to wake up cause Santa had brought the pressies...

And finally he awakened lol...

So they could finally open pressies :) Yay!

Because Mac was getting a scooter & we knew that Spence would want it, we decided to put the training wheels back on Mac's first bike & give it to him. We wondered if Mac would be like "that's not even from Santa! That's my old bike!", but he just looked at it & casually mentioned that Santa had got Spence the same one he used to have, so that went down a treat lol....

All Spencer had asked for was lollies, so he was totally stoked with his Mickey Mouse Pez that he downed in 2 seconds flat :)

The boys were super chuffed with all their pressies, but not so impressed that the weather wasn't good enough for them to go outside & use any of them!! So they just had to play inside while we got ready for our 10 o'clock brunch with the be continued.....

Saturday 28 December 2013

Christmas cards in the mail...

On Christmas Eve (perfect timing!), the boys were super excited to get cards in the mail from Aunty B!!! The both sat down & opened them together.....

Were chuffed with the pictures on the front....

And then discovered there was money inside, and that's when all hell broke loose! Both of them were trying to steal each other's money, just wanting it all for themselves! 

So they counted it.....well Mac did at least....over & over & over again!

And then he they recounted it some more!

In the end it just caused so much contention that they each went their separate ways & eventually just ended up getting it taken off them :( I can't quite remember where it ended up after that, but we'll have to find it again so they can both have a cool little outing to the $2 shop, like the girlies, to spend their winnings!

Friday 27 December 2013

Aeroview Ward Christmas in the carpark

On Wednesday a week back we had our Aeroview Ward Christmas in the carpark which was a day we'd been wanting to hurry up & arrive for at least a couple of weeks before that! Stan was part of the organizing committee & had quite a bit to do so it was cool to finally be at the activity seeing everyone's planning & efforts come to fruition :)

Kol Broederlow made this AMAZING nativity set. How lucky are we to have his awesome talent in our ward! I really wanted to get a photo of the boys with the baby Jesus, but Mac was impossible to pin down & Spence was super scared of Baby Jesus so no luck there!

After we'd heard the story of the nativity we walked through the courtyard to stand in line for 
Santa's grotto....

Spence was also really stressed out by the whole Grotto experience & started his whole sweating & heavy breathing routine that he does when he gets really anxious, but being the mean Mummy that I am, I was determined to walk him past Santa anyways lol

Santa tried to talk to him, but Spence couldn't even make eye contact & was crying but still saying Merry Christmas to him cause he obviously didn't wanna be rude, but just in a totally freaked out voice haha. Oh & he did take the pressie that Santa had to offer, but he was still crapping his undies while he was taking it off him & just couldn't wait to get out of there!!

Thankfully he was alot more relaxed once he got away from that scary Santa guy!!

Excited to show his buddy Michael the choccies he got from Santa :)

Pretty Faithy babe

Miss Dynamite ;)

Mac & his partner in crime Mahonri (aka Jelly). These two are so alike (trouble)! No wonder they get on like a house on fire!

It was such a fun night. Cool that the plan is for it to be an annual thing now - don't know if Stan feels quite the same way about that fact though lol

Thursday 26 December 2013

Mac's last day of Year 1

Almost 2 weeks ago now Mac had his last day of school for the year! Hard to believe that's his first year down & that it went so quick, but what a great year it was too :)

He was so lucky to have the lovely Miss Hoffman as his Year 1 teacher. We're so grateful he had someone so kind & caring first off to give him such a positive & enjoyable start to his whole schooling experience...Only another 12 more years to go now lol - before uni that is :)

Goodbye Room 3 & Miss Hoffman! We're gonna miss you xx

This is the pic we took for the front of Miss Hoffman's thank you card :)

And the little treatie bags we put together for all his classmates :)

For Miss Hoffman's end of year pressie, we gave her this little santa sleigh full of choccies & Christmas mallowpuffs......

And then her card with a Westfield voucher inside so she could choose something she really wanted!

Here's what Mac wrote on the inside of the card.....

And here are a few of his last art pieces for the year that he brought home in his bag....

Oh & a list of some cool things about him that was on the classroom wall :)

So after all the excitement of school finishing & the Christmas holidays starting we were about to head out to the park that evening when Mac's finger got jammed in the door....& so we ended up at the White Cross up the road instead :(

I felt sooooooo terrible as well cause it was all my fault. I wanted to just quickly do the vacuuming before we headed out & so I was doing Mac's room & pulled the door up behind me as I finished. The door wouldn't close though, so I looked down at the ground to see what was jamming it & when I couldn't see anything I just tried again....only then did I realise though that Mac was screaming out to me cause his finger was stuck in the hinge. 

Him & Spencer had been in the hallway behind me just talking & so Mac had been standing there leaning on the wall with his fingers in the door, but because I had the vacuum cleaner on & was just doing my own thing with my back to them, I totally had no idea :(  :(  :(

Thank goodness Stan was there to look at it & sort it all out cause I'm hopeless with those kinda things.....once he checked it out & got it all wrapped up in ice, we drove up to the A & E.

I didn't get any photos at the A & E cause Mac was in a real state so it just wasn't appropriate, but thank goodness he started to calm down once he'd had his painkillers & they got it all bandaged up...

And Grandie & G bringing round a treat for the sad little patient once he got home, made it a million times better of course!

And I bet it's no surprise that this little guy scammed in on the treat just cause he could....

We had to keep getting it dressed for a few days after that, but the dressings just kept on ending up like this, so I think after about 3 days we gave them up & just went on to plasters & it's been healing really well ever since! Thank goodness for that!... Oh I'm now looking back when I close the bedroom doors after vacuuming just to make sure I don't catch anymore little fingers!!