Friday 27 December 2013

Aeroview Ward Christmas in the carpark

On Wednesday a week back we had our Aeroview Ward Christmas in the carpark which was a day we'd been wanting to hurry up & arrive for at least a couple of weeks before that! Stan was part of the organizing committee & had quite a bit to do so it was cool to finally be at the activity seeing everyone's planning & efforts come to fruition :)

Kol Broederlow made this AMAZING nativity set. How lucky are we to have his awesome talent in our ward! I really wanted to get a photo of the boys with the baby Jesus, but Mac was impossible to pin down & Spence was super scared of Baby Jesus so no luck there!

After we'd heard the story of the nativity we walked through the courtyard to stand in line for 
Santa's grotto....

Spence was also really stressed out by the whole Grotto experience & started his whole sweating & heavy breathing routine that he does when he gets really anxious, but being the mean Mummy that I am, I was determined to walk him past Santa anyways lol

Santa tried to talk to him, but Spence couldn't even make eye contact & was crying but still saying Merry Christmas to him cause he obviously didn't wanna be rude, but just in a totally freaked out voice haha. Oh & he did take the pressie that Santa had to offer, but he was still crapping his undies while he was taking it off him & just couldn't wait to get out of there!!

Thankfully he was alot more relaxed once he got away from that scary Santa guy!!

Excited to show his buddy Michael the choccies he got from Santa :)

Pretty Faithy babe

Miss Dynamite ;)

Mac & his partner in crime Mahonri (aka Jelly). These two are so alike (trouble)! No wonder they get on like a house on fire!

It was such a fun night. Cool that the plan is for it to be an annual thing now - don't know if Stan feels quite the same way about that fact though lol

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