Monday 12 October 2015

Grandma's 60th birthday xxxx

Oh man I can't believe that I only have 3 measly photos for this post cause this celebration was for such an important milestone! Friday the 18th of September 2015, the day our beautiful angel Mumma would've been turning 60!!! (I have no doubt she still would've been looking AMAZING x)

So wish we had've had her with us in the flesh to spoil her & let her know just how loved & important she is to us (& most of all to see her being swarmed around by all her adoring grandkids that would've been all over her 24/7)! But unfortunately she's a little tied up doing other important work at the moment so remembering her & celebrating for her was the best we could do.

Spence & Grandie were both sick too (since this was only the day after the whole spew at Subway fiasco), so that was a shame. Those of us that could be there though enjoyed a yummy butter chicken with naan bread & papadums & then a delicious brownie cake for dessert.

Love you forever my precious Mumma & can't wait till the day our family's together forever 
& never has to be seperated again xxxx


  1. 3 photos?! Haha nah all good. I have to say I got all excited when I saw the title of the post and just expected it'd be a nice long read with lots of pics lol. We FINALLY had our sponge for her last night.....nearly a month late! 😁

  2. And it was after Jules went to bed so she didn't even get to be involved, whoops next year 😀
