Sunday 18 October 2015


On the last week of term Mac had his school production called "The Bayview Beat" which was a time travel kind of storyline that had a magic genie & a group of kids travelling through the 60's/70's/80's & 90's. It was such a fun production, full of so much cool music & dancing - & what made it even more awesome is that Mac's class got to do what I reckon was probably the coolest song of the whole night....cause everyone knows you can never top the king of pop right??!! & Thriller is a classic!!!

The kids did such an amazing job & I got to help out doing the girls hair on the first two nights before Spence & I went to watch it on the third & final night. Was so cool getting to meet all the girls in Mac's class cause I've never had anything to do with them up until now. Mac only ever hangs with the boys so they're all I really know :) Don't they all look awesome!! (Thank goodness for a hairdresser Mum & another Mum that was awesome at the face painting!)

When I go into Mac's class in the mornings this is always the usual sight - all the kids crowded around either the computer or 
any of the other devices they have in the classroom

This is Matt, my friend Julie's son. Mac's doing both his swimming lessons with him this term :)

The girl on the right, Ally, had the most gorgeous hair! 
(Her Mum was the hairdresser who did all the girls cool styles)

My little zombie - so glad he finally came around to ripping & dying his old church shirt for the costume after weeks of crying & saying that he wasn't gonna do the production cause he didn't want to ruin any of his clothes!!! (Too bad he never cares about his clothes at home always leaving them strewn & crumpled up all over the place!)

Mac & his bestie River - this was in the middle of them doing the zombie naenae lol

After one of the late production nights I went into his room & he hadn't quite made it into his bed lol

Pics from the show - wish we were allowed to take video footage!!

Mac was one of 6 kids down on the floor instead of up on the stage - & at the beginning of the song he & the others creeped out from the little doors down under there which was pretty cool - was a little harder to see him down there though, even though we were only 3 rows back...but he did such an awesome job anyways! It's definitely one of my favourite things as a Mum, getting to see him perform like that :) :)

It's not a great photo cause I only caught her with her eyes closed lol, but that's Mac's teacher, 
Miss Matuku, below on the right..

Was super cool getting to have Aunty Jose come along to watch the show too!!

I was in the middle of a terrible coughing bug, by the time Thursday night rolled around when we went to watch the show. I was pretty much coughing & dying the whole night, but am so glad I made it through to the end....even if it was only just!!

Can't wait to see what cool production Bayview comes up with next in 2017! And by then my little Spency Spider will be in it too!!


  1. Awesome!! They all llooked so good. I was thinking they look big but then I keep forgetting he's a big 7 year old now, not 5! Love that photo 4th from the bottom. Spence looks so chuffed to have his big bros arm around him <3

  2. oh man I'm so bummed I didn't get to see it. After not wanting to ruin the shirt, he really embraced the whole look. Too bad Grandie couldn't handle the crowds to go and watch!
