Monday 12 October 2015

Pod's production

A couple of days after Spency's birthday we were lucky enough to go & watch Pod in her first school production :) Their school is so big that they were split into two groups to perform the early or the late show each night so unfortunately we didn't get to see both the girlies in our screening, but Pod did such a great job & we can't wait to see Ella when they do their next production in a couple of years time!

Cutest little guard at Buckingham Palace I ever did see!!

Then after the show Aunty Mell & the other 3 little monkeys came up to meet us before they dropped Ella off for the night show so we got to go up & see where Aunty Mell's new classroom is :)

Man I should've taken a photo of the inside for you cause it'd have to be the cleanest most spacious classroom you ever did see! How my little (big) sissy is so organized & onto it as well as being a Mummy to four kids I'll never know!!

Taking a pic in Pod's class

Then afterwards I'd promised the boys Subway for dinner, but boy did that not go smoothly!! We went down to the Lincoln Road subway, but Spence was coughing heaps & then all of a sudden said he needed to spew, so with nowhere to go we went back out to the car & he did a massive one right behind the car parked next to ours!! Man I felt so bad cause someone would've come back to their car & been disgusted at the massive chunks of american hotdog that were over the ground everywhere!! :(

So then he had to sit holding a lunch box all the way home just in case he needed to do anything again & all the while Mac was crying for his subway that we hadn't managed to get in time before the whole spewing fiasco!! 

Anyway, by the time we got back to the Shore, Spence's coughing had calmed down & he'd fallen asleep, so I told Mac I could take him to the Glenfield Subway, but he'd have to go inside & order it himself cause I couldn't leave Spence in the car all alone. 

He so badly wanted the subway, but he totally wasn't confident enough, so after trying to convince him for ages & getting really annoyed that he wouldn't just do it, I got out of him that it was because the car was parked too far away, but that if I parked in the park right out the front he could handle it! Phew....

So I watched from inside while my little man went in shyly & started moving along the line (he was too short for me to actually see his head, but I could see his body through the gaps!)

And then he FINALLY came out super chuffed that he'd gotten what he'd been DYING for the last hour & a half lol

Then it was home to bed to call it a night - & quite an eventful one at that :)

Unfortunately this is how our poor little Spider spent the next 3 or 4 days coughing so much the spew bowl became his bestie :(

1 comment:

  1. Oh man just hearing the word spew bowl and seeing it gives me a queezy feeling and brings back unpleasant smells from childhood. Lol @ Mac getting his own subway. I would've been scared doing that at 7 years old!
