Sunday 15 April 2012

7 months

Well our little Spency Wency Spider is 7 months old today so let me just do a quick run through of what he got up to this past month....

- I won't go into all the gory details, but let's just say the month started pretty badly with a week of loose nappies - the worst day we got 11 I think it was!!! It was insane - needless to say we didn't get much else done that day....& come to think of it I still don't know what it was that caused it because at the time I was totally convinced it was teething as he didn't seem sick at all apart from that & was gnawing on EVERYTHING.... & I assumed that since it lasted a week it couldn't be your normal 24-48 hour bug, but I'm not really sure as after the week it went back to normal, but no teeth ever arrived???

Maybe it was from the two rounds of antibiotics he had really close together just before that because that used to happen to Mac sometimes, but yeah, I'm not really sure?? Anyway, the main thing is that we're back on track now cause Mum thinks that 1 or 2 a day is more than enough thank you very much!!

- He can sit up now - he still falls over after a little bit, but he can do it for a few minutes at least :)

- His hair has really started to thicken up this month.....the thighs are also continuing to thicken up along with his cheeks lol. They're so yummy!

- He's had a few firsts this month:
   1)  Went to his first movie (the Lorax for Bronson's party & he was such a good 
        boy & slept through the first half & then just sat quietly through the rest)            
   2)  Wore his first set of pyjamas (from Aunty Mell)
   3)  Wore shoes for the first time (an old pair of Mac's - but he had to start on the
        2nd size up cause he's alot bigger)
  4)   Ate toast, avocado, pumpkin & banana - he prefers all the sweet stuff BY FAR

His nickname has changed a little from Spency Wency Spider to just Pency most of the time. This one comes courtesy of Ella as she's totally in love with him & that's how she pronounces his name. She gets so excited whenever she sees him & always runs over to him calling out "Hi Pency!!! Hi Pency!!!" It's so cute. She's gonna be such a great helper for her Mum when her little brother comes along :P xxx

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness. how cute is this little critter. Man I love you Pency xoxo
