Friday 6 April 2012

The Easter Show - Mac's 2nd day of fun

So on Friday we did Mac's 2nd day of fun which was a trip to the Easter Show with Grandie, Aunty Mell, Pod, Aunty Natty, Uncle Kris, Jordy & Kyky. Yay!!! He's loved it the last couple of years & the weather was perfect which was cool cause it wasn't the greatest last time round.

The only difference this time was having Spence with us too, so I was a little bit unsure as to how it'd go - whether it'd be a success, or an absolute disaster!!!...but as usual Spence was a total little trooper & lasted through till we were ready to go home, without any complaints!! (And as usual it was Mac that was the problem child with his continuous disappearing acts - good job I had dressed him in his bright pink t-shirt for easy spotting, but it was still so annoying!)

The kids had a ball seeing all the animals & going on all the cookie bear rides. It's so the coolest thing in the world as a parent to see your child having so much fun that they're literally squealing with delight!!....& the Easter Show did that for them. It was so neat to watch :)

The other cool thing we saw was the Circus show & their amazing motorbike stunt. Have a look at the clip below to see what I mean! Wow, you'd have to really have faith in the ability of the other riders you were in there with & it'd be an even worse time than normal to have a heart attack or a stroke or something of that nature. Not sure if I'd want one of my boys to do that for their profession, but it was awesome to watch! 

What a fun day!!

Not long after we arrived - Spence was flinging his arms & legs around & making heaps of noise super excited about everything going on around him lol :)

Exhausted Kyky

Me & my new man lol

Just after we pulled out of the carpark to head home...Before we even got down the end of the 1st road lol

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