Monday 2 April 2012

Mac's Birthday - Day 1 of fun

So Monday was Mac's 4th birthday & I'd already decided a couple of months back that he would only be having a small family party this year. I read of an idea a little while ago, where a family only did a big friends birthday party for their kids every 2nd year & just a small family one in between & I thought it was a good idea because now that we have both Spence & Mac, the year that Spence has his big friends party can be the year that Mac has his small family one & vice versa.....

So anyways after Mac's big party last year, the whole idea of his small family one this year was for it to be alot less hassle.... however, I think I must subconsciously enjoy hassle or something, because I can't say it's turned out that way!!! (5 days later & his birthday is still being celebrated in our household!!) 

Special love heart toast for breakfast (why do kids call hearts "love hearts" & not just "hearts"??)

It's my own silly fault because I came up with the idea that since Mac was turning four & my favourite thing to do as a mum is to see him having fun, that it'd be a cool idea to celebrate his birthday with "four days of fun," doing four different activities he loves.... 

Playing with my pressie from Aunty B & Uncle Pete at 6am!!

Sooo, after much deliberation & discussion, here are the 4 activities we decided on:

1) McDonalds for dinner (was so not surprised for this to be on the list!)
2) Lollipops
3) Easter Show
4) Birthday picnic with his cuzzies (& everyone's bikes/scooters!)

Quick trip out to Aunty Mell & Uncle Jo's after kindy to have a turn on my new scooter with Pod (Scooter got shafted pretty quick!)

 Spider watching the big kids
So far we've only done McDonalds for dinner on Monday night & the Easter Show today. It's been such a busy week that we haven't gotten around to Lollipops yet, but we will at some stage I'm sure, & the birthday picnic with his cuzzies is on Monday.

We had a great time at McDonalds on Monday night to kickstart our four days of fun :) Bubu, Shylah & Aunty Tash came too, so it was nice to have them there to celebrate with us as well. 

While we were eating our Macca's it was also pretty crazy because Tash overheard the lady next to us saying Happy Birthday to her little daughter.... So then Tash asked if it was her birthday today & she said yes. Anyways, it turned out that this lady & I had been in the hospital together 4 years ago having the little babies, that were now the big 4 year old birthday kids!! What a cool coincidence huh!!! When her & her daughter got up to leave I just joked that maybe we'd see each other at the same time, same place on the 2nd of April next year :)

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