Saturday 7 April 2012

Bronson's 3rd Birthday Party

So after a fun filled day at the Easter Show on Friday, it was straight home for dinner, showers & bed as we had Bronson's party to look forward to on Saturday morning. How exciting!!

Uncle Luke & Aunty Linda had hired out the party room at Hoyts, so we had a yummy feed & play in there for a couple of hours before we went to see the Lorax.

It was Spency's first movie - & he was the youngest movie goer out of the 11 kids there at 6 1/2 months...& then Mac was the oldest having just turned 4....but the totally impressive & amazing thing was that out of all of the 11 kids that were there, all of a variety of different ages, ranging from 6 1/2 months to 4 years, no-one had to leave throughout the whole movie. I was so blown away. The kids did fantastic!!

Thanks for an awesome party Bronson! We love you heaps & heaps cutie pie xoxo

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