Wednesday 25 April 2012

Uncle Luke's birthday (Anzac Day)

These days if it's sunny out, then there's really no question as to where the kiddies will want to be.... out on their scooters of course!! Bronson was the culprit who started this craze so it was only right that with the absolutely gorgeous weather for Uncle Luke's birthday today, all the kid's scooters come along too.   

What a cool afternoon we had together at the Domain. These special family times are what life is all about & there's nothing I enjoy more than being with my loved ones & seeing the kids running around exploring, being silly together & having fun :)

The Domain is where Mum & Dad & UV & AJ used to take us cuzzies back when we were kids (oh so long ago!) 
Mell, Luke & I had a laugh reminiscing about "back in the day" today, so it's cool to be able to get together to create similar memories for our kids. So scary to think that in another 20-30 years, they could be doing the same thing with their babies though! I don't even wanna think about how old that will make us lol....

The birthday boy & his beautiful family
Mac trying to play frisbee with Spencer's bowl
The Scooter Crew :) AKA "The Posers"
Pulling faces
Scary face

Uncle Jo's big ears
Showing me their muscles lol
Home time

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